what the experts say about our targets
440 Megatonnes Pathways Tracker
The Canadian Climate Institute
Using national and sectoral data from the Canadian Climate Institute’s independent assessment of Canada’s 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP) and the Institute’s 2021 report Canada’s Net Zero Future, alongside data from Statistics Canada, we trace historical and projected emissions trends to 2030 and 2050.
What is Canada's Fair Share to limit Warming to 1.5°C?
Climate Action Network Canada
The Climate Action Network Canada | Réseau Action Climat Canada is a coalition of more than 100 climate-focused organizations across the country.
They are calling for a national target of at least 60% domestic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, and 80% emissions reductions abroad through Canadian support.
(445 Mt COâ‚‚ eq)
domestic emissions
(594 Mt COâ‚‚ eq)
the role of multilevel climate action
The power of convening. With the support of the facilitation resources at the SFU Morris J Wosk Centre for Dialogue, we convene national dialogues that bring together various governments, civil society representatives, industry partners, and experts from outside Canada.
These dialogues help generate concrete steps that support Canadian multilevel climate action. They also provide an opportunity for climate practitioners to have frank conversations with decision makers about current climate trajectories and public policy.
On the world stage. This initiative supports Canadian multilevel climate efforts at home and abroad at engagements such as COP. These efforts foster a healthy international knowledge exchange. The development of partnerships with places abroad facing similar challenges to those in Canada helps improve our mitigation, adaptation, and innovation actions.
Open knowledge. At the SFU Centre for Dialogue, we lead many initiatives that build civic literacy among the general public on a variety of topics. The Cities + Climate Initiative operates similarly to translate knowledge from national dialogues, international dialogues, and expert resources for access by the general public. We believe that building understanding is important to sustain change.
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